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Possibly Infected Centrum intave/hypixel client


Professional Retard
Staff member
Jul 9, 2020
Reaction score
In order not to get confused with the other posts in this thread, please read my conclusion: https://masterof13fps.com/forum/index.php?threads/centrum-intave-hypixel-client.7695/post-62849

Since the original post was deleted here is the releak.

The original post came from NibiruGamer.
I do not know if the client is clean or not

The original message was:

How this thing working:
Owner is stupid, to get access just click F6+ESC
Video: https://streamable.com/2vzaix
Download: https://anonfiles.com/54vcheF4uf/Centrum_zip

And here are 2 other versions of the same client:

I removed the login shit(So you dont need to press f6): https://anonfiles.com/pcT2mcFbu5/Centrum_zip
and here is a version without the string obf: https://anonfiles.com/9cT3m6Fbua/output_jar
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When i try to run it it doesn't respond.
When i ran the shitty client my discord just crashes i had a big suspicion that it was a token logger. Next day logged out from discord :sus:
Change your dc password

me when tries to hide the fact that they logged a shitty client leak
Im not trying to hide anything I didnt know if there was a logger in there or not which btw is also written in the post above
this is also not my leak this just a releak
Change your dc password

Im not trying to hide anything I didnt know if there was a logger in there or not which btw is also written in the post above
this is also not my leak this just a releak
i looked through the code of the jar files you posted, its not the client, just vanilla mc with a logger, whoever sent you it got you good
The kid that made it originally was fucking braging on discord about how he ratted me (i trusted the "developer" on profile and my pc is too shit to ran vms so i ran it without vm) then he spammed my already changed discord token and ip that i leaked myself before
The kid that made it originally was fucking braging on discord about how he ratted me (i trusted the "developer" on profile and my pc is too shit to ran vms so i ran it without vm) then he spammed my already changed discord token and ip that i leaked myself before
What was this users name?
As already written here in the thread, the client was infected!

First of all, all those who downloaded my version (https://anonfiles.com/pcT2mcFbu5/Centrum_zip) should be warned that this version seems to be clean (I can not guarantee that) and this also explains why I did not find any token loggers in the code as I will explain in the following.

To all of you who used the above download and started the client are affected by the token logger. If you are using Windows and your discord terminated after you started the client you definitely are affected!

What exactly is compromised?
The fake client sent your Discord token and a screenshot of your screen (at the client-start) to a web hook.

Here is what happened:
On 31.08.2021 the user "NibiruGamer" leaked the client this was the original post.
On 01.09.2021 this post was deleted again.
On 01.09.2021 the user "_NibiruGamer_" registered and created an identical post with a modified download link (with the token logger). I mixed up the posts of "NibiruGamer" and "_NibiruGamer_" and copied the content of the post to create a separate one. Shortly after that the post of "_NibiruGamer_" was deleted. Since I had already worked on my version of the client and was ready, I created my post with the text of "_NibiruGamer_" which lead to the download link of the token logger end up in this post. Because I modified the version of "NibiruGamer", I couldn't find a token logger in the client.

In the upper download link of my post, was the token logger included.
My modified version, however, does not contain this logger.

This does NOT mean that I can guarantee that my version is clean.

Because I had the original unmodified version of "NibiruGamer" still on my pc I updated the infected link.

We STRONGLY recommend you to change your discord password if you started the client!
As already written here in the thread, the client was infected!

First of all, all those who downloaded my version (https://anonfiles.com/pcT2mcFbu5/Centrum_zip) should be warned that this version seems to be clean (I can not guarantee that) and this also explains why I did not find any token loggers in the code as I will explain in the following.

To all of you who used the above download and started the client are affected by the token logger. If you are using Windows and your discord terminated after you started the client you definitely are affected!

What exactly is compromised?
The fake client sent your Discord token and a screenshot of your screen (at the client-start) to a web hook.

Here is what happened:
On 31.08.2021 the user "NibiruGamer" leaked the client this was the original post.
On 01.09.2021 this post was deleted again.
On 01.09.2021 the user "_NibiruGamer_" registered and created an identical post with a modified download link (with the token logger). I mixed up the posts of "NibiruGamer" and "_NibiruGamer_" and copied the content of the post to create a separate one. Shortly after that the post of "_NibiruGamer_" was deleted. Since I had already worked on my version of the client and was ready, I created my post with the text of "_NibiruGamer_" which lead to the download link of the token logger end up in this post. Because I modified the version of "NibiruGamer", I couldn't find a token logger in the client.

In the upper download link of my post, was the token logger included.
My modified version, however, does not contain this logger.

This does NOT mean that I can guarantee that my version is clean.

Because I had the original unmodified version of "NibiruGamer" still on my pc I updated the infected link.

We STRONGLY recommend you to change your discord password if you started the client!
I really don't reuploaded shit client, _NibiruGamer_ is really not my account, someone pretended to be me ...
the guy who skidded the token grabber and owns the webhook is NibiruGamer#8483 i believe
you are a idiot? if i wanted to send anything like this,

I would never have another account with a similar nickname
some dement wanted to abuse my nickname