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Recent content by DistastefulBannock

  1. DistastefulBannock

    Client Hummus Github SRC Leaked (released)

    I'm so sorry, but the drive I had these files even on has not only been formatted since, but also reached it's end of life and died. I'd probably start by running MCP 1.8.8 and then using the libs folder from that. You'd then have to find maybe a handful more, but honestly that's as easy as...
  2. DistastefulBannock

    rise client for sale 6.5$ paypal

    Little kids really do be trying to pawn off their shit overrated cheats thinking they could scrape some money together. Get a job, bud.
  3. DistastefulBannock

    Client Slack Client Cracked (10usd - 22/06/2024)

    I think the username+pc name may be on par with pastebin for world's worst authentication lmao but actually maybe they should bother to learn a thing or two before releasing a paid cheat because who tf leaves local var names behind? iirc isn't it as simple as clearing a list with ow2 asm?
  4. DistastefulBannock

    Source Kagu source code

    He doesn't have one. It's just some little kid trying to troll.
  5. DistastefulBannock

    Source Kagu source code

    This is the source code for an old cheat I was creating called Kagu. It's been forever since I've been an active cheat developer so I figured I'd finally post the source for everyone to learn from or use. It lacked bypasses, wasn't very good with performance, but it has some cool or weird...
  6. DistastefulBannock

    Possibly Infected "Sigma Jello Reborn" full deobf (more pasteware, retarded dev)

    Hello masterof13fps, I have come to you today with (not so) juicy client deobf of a newer paste that just released. I originally heard about it on reddit and decided to take a minute out of my day to deobf it. The owner wants people to apply for the cheat but left the download channel visible to...
  7. DistastefulBannock

    minit client (latest version)

    Bro wtf is this code 😭
  8. DistastefulBannock

    Client Hummus Github SRC Leaked (released)
