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Recent content by innominate

  1. innominate

    Good paid obfuscator?

    you don't need to invest in heavy obfuscation, write your own protection such as encrypting your jar file, to protect your code you can use proguard and simple string encryption to make code harder to read (if it is recovered and decompiled) although you shouldnt be afraid of your code being...
  2. innominate

    In memory of the hvh god

    when I first lost a friend, it also took a while getting used to never seeing his status change red or speaking again, honestly after 2 years it's the same way, it really sucks how life works, I hope you feel better I know he loved everyone
  3. innominate

    In memory of the hvh god

    Even though i have stepped down from the community temporarily due to college, I have known Anthrecite since the start of summer client, it's very heartbreaking hearing the news from my friends, I am happy to have been in his life and im very thankful that he supported me through rough times and...
  4. innominate

    Adjust (requesting if anyone can crack it)

    That didn't work. Are you connected to Adjust?
  5. innominate

    but you did

    but you did
  6. innominate

    Clean Opal Client + Hwid Grabber Deobfuscated + Mapped | SkidBust

    only if there's a reason to
  7. innominate

    Clean Opal Client + Hwid Grabber Deobfuscated + Mapped | SkidBust

    what Meelodye said, you can find opal cracks elsewhere, if you want it cracked by me get someone with the updated jar to contact me because the one I have already got cracked i'm sure.:poop:
  8. innominate

    Clean Opal Client + Hwid Grabber Deobfuscated + Mapped | SkidBust

    why are you trying to run this my guy? did you read the thread?
  9. innominate

    Clean Opal Client + Hwid Grabber Deobfuscated + Mapped | SkidBust

    jnic will not save them that's for sure
  10. innominate

    Clean Opal Client + Hwid Grabber Deobfuscated + Mapped | SkidBust

    nah, the famous innominate comeback, no ratting.
  11. innominate

    Clean Opal Client + Hwid Grabber Deobfuscated + Mapped | SkidBust

    Moral of the story: Tenacity client will always be the same client by incompetent developers... 10 minutes for $70 public bypass/pasted client, i couldn't be asked anymore... IF YOU OWN OPAL CONTACT ME ON DISCORD, I WILL CREATE A FULL REMAPPER/DEOBFUSCATION TOOL IF YOU SUPPLY ME NEW BUILDS (I...
  12. innominate

    Novoline Eclipse Ready

    https://workupload.com/file/cGD7HbtcVay Alternative download: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/914014391664508932/915386743769956362/novoline-eclipse-ready.zip credits: https://github.com/jeremypelletier/
  13. innominate

    Snipeware Premium Client Cracked and Cleaned (Exposed as a Token Logger and rename)

    download: https://workupload.com/file/t6n9RC3Lky3 pass: innomdaworld