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Recent content by Wouf

  1. Wouf

    Possibly Infected FluidSense Leak

    stfu 🤫
  2. Wouf

    Dog Client Recode

    Can you stop being retarded for once, even tho i don't see what it has to do with visuals ? please stfu 🙏
  3. Wouf

    Good rotations

    You can also add a random value or multiply by a random float the value of the pattern, like I mean there are plenty of ways to tweak it 🤷‍♂️
  4. Wouf

    Good rotations

    No shot ?! I just said you can tweak many values so it won’t get detected and I just have the first thing that popped of my head
  5. Wouf

    Good rotations

    eh ofc, but i mean there is so many ways to tweak it so it wont get detected for a long long time if you for example randomize the order of values everytime, idk i dont really see a way to patch it tbh 🤷‍♂️
  6. Wouf

    Good rotations

    Wdym ? My rotation bypasses all ac I tested (30+ ac tested) ??
  7. Wouf

    Good rotations

    eh i have a solution for that, I record my own legit rotation by taking the diff between my aim and where the ka will aim, then i add it as an offset and since its real player input you wont get detected on any ac with ~30s of recording, and you can use those values to randomize anything tbh not...
  8. Wouf

    Tutorial A Simple Minecraft forge Runtime Injecting Client like vape Tutorial

    damn since when was it that simple xd
  9. Wouf

    Good rotations

    Do them so it smoothly goes to the target (dont forget to randomize the speed), and randomize most thing possible, also don't aim the exact center because it'll flag on some old ac I offset it by 2.8475/2 (this value is the strict minimum so you dont false flag on nn ac that check if its the...
  10. Wouf


    can't argue ?
  11. Wouf


    takes 1-3 hours to replicate pixel perfect babe, this just proves thats you're retarded
  12. Wouf

    Client adapt leak ((((((((not cracked))))))))

    Just so you know, im not defending them, but the rounded rect actually comes from a open source shader from shadertoy (this one : https://www.shadertoy.com/view/WtdSDs). You can check it by comparing the code or just put an absudly big value on the tena shader and this one and you'll see the...