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Client Hummus Github SRC Leaked (released)

give libz 🙏 💀 i wnne skid!!
I'm so sorry, but the drive I had these files even on has not only been formatted since, but also reached it's end of life and died. I'd probably start by running MCP 1.8.8 and then using the libs folder from that. You'd then have to find maybe a handful more, but honestly that's as easy as opening your IDE and searching "maven org whatever.awesomelib" for every any remaining missing references. Sorry I can't help further.
I'm so sorry, but the drive I had these files even on has not only been formatted since, but also reached it's end of life and died. I'd probably start by running MCP 1.8.8 and then using the libs folder from that. You'd then have to find maybe a handful more, but honestly that's as easy as opening your IDE and searching "maven org whatever.awesomelib" for every any remaining missing references. Sorry I can't help further.
It still has a speed and aura from what i last remember i lost my libs and everything as well