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Possibly Infected Vape V4.17 (Re-post)


New member
Nov 2, 2023
Reaction score

Vape V4.17 (Crack)​

I checked this crack before uploading.



Download: Here
VirusTotal: Here

Supported Clients​

- Lunar Client (1.8, not forge)

🛠 Issues
- local config system
- anything that uses web ( may not work )
- anything related to account would crash the game.


- java17 -> https://download.oracle.com/java/17/archive/jdk-17.0.11_windows-x64_bin.msi
- .NET Framework -> https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet-framework/thank-you/net481-web-installer

this crack is safe if you want you can open it in DnSpy
Password to Archive is
you did not provide this crack. you like re-uploading others work without credit.
original source: http://johnspecial.ydns.eu/vape4.17

(thanks to the china 🙏)

you are nothing, but a worthless retarded fucking idiot that wishes to get as much attention as he can without any work put into it. you're feeding off of others like a disgusting little leach that's gonna get killed the second it's noticed.
Last edited:
you did not provide this crack. you like re-uploading others work without credit.
original source: http://johnspecial.ydns.eu/vape4.17

(thanks to the china 🙏)

you are nothing, but a worthless retarded fucking idiot that wishes to get as much attention as he can without any work put into it. you're feeding off of others like a disgusting little leach that's gonna get killed the second it's noticed.
i am just adding my loader not re-uploading. also my acc is older on the forum so shut the fuck up cunt
i am just adding my loader
Ah, so you bloated it with some useless watermarking garbage, gotcha, that makes it a-okay then 👍
also my acc is older on the forum so shut the fuck up cunt
Fucking imagine believing account age on a dead Minecraft cheating forum gives you any leverage, terminally online 12-year-old behavior 💀
This is a virus. They banned my VIP+ account on Hypixel. They are really stealing your Minecraft accounts.
proof it in code, also you can't even afford vip+
bro you're out here reposting cracked clients. the only times when you'd share them around or use them is when you:

a. cracked it yourself
b. are poor as fuck.

but this is not your crack, so we all know what that means. please consider leaving this place, you are not accepted in this community. you are worthless and utterly meaningless, you do nothing back here.
t. the person who's reposting a well-known crack with "url shortener" garbage that makes him 1 cent per click
if you can't read its not my problem retard
i literally announced that i use it to pay for web host + dsc bot
bro you're out here reposting cracked clients. the only times when you'd share them around or use them is when you:

a. cracked it yourself
b. are poor as fuck.

but this is not your crack, so we all know what that means. please consider leaving this place, you are not accepted in this community. you are worthless and utterly meaningless, you do nothing back here.
who tells this to me?
i am making archive of this shit ass clients whenever they will get taken down
you will still be able to download them.

+ i am coding my own loader for all of the clients
if you can't read its not my problem retard
i literally announced that i use it to pay for web host + dsc bot
You do know such costs would be eliminated if you didn't go around reposting cracks without credits, right? =)

Not to mention, if you are truly doing this out of the good of your heart to ensure free Minecraft cheat access to the poor proletariat with the vision of Karl Marx, why not have a donation button rather than using a trash website that spams its users with malicious ads?

Not to mention free file hosts (that don't spam their users with ads) exist.
who tells this to me?
i am making archive of this shit ass clients whenever they will get taken down
you will still be able to download them.

+ i am coding my own loader for all of the clients
btw, you punctuating every word with a swear just makes your spelling mistakes and utter lack of understanding of English that more apparent and pathetic.

Anyone using this is at best wasting their time making money for some 12 year old, and at worst getting themselves infected, whether it be from the shitty ads or the "crack" itself.
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you did not provide this crack. you like re-uploading others work without credit.
original source: http://johnspecial.ydns.eu/vape4.17

(thanks to the china 🙏)

you are nothing, but a worthless retarded fucking idiot that wishes to get as much attention as he can without any work put into it. you're feeding off of others like a disgusting little leach that's gonna get killed the second it's noticed.