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  1. M

    LowHop (DAC)

    https://pastebin.com/wJQ9P1yb https://pastebin.com/6K8MEDEC // Have Fun skids
  2. M

    JSON for 1.8.8 Minecraft client

    Because JSON and Minecraft are clapped, I am in need of a 1.8.8 JSON creating for a client in development. It's just a simple shitty client called "Mod Pack Client"
  3. M

    TabGui HerocodeClickGui

    Hallo ich bin neu in der coding szene und brauch ein TabGui welches mit dem HerocodeClickgui funkt. danke
  4. M

    Clean [RELEASE] Swindle SRC - Minus protection and "cleaned"

    I did make a poll to drop swindles src, but i never said i wouldn't release it despite it already being released lmao also verbles claim swindle wasnt clean was bs, well its code wasn't clean lmao, sloppier then mine and that says something, but the actual src contained no rats, if it did and i...
  5. M

    Nano Hacked Client

    can someone link me Nano Hacked Client and i want the .jar and .json not src
  6. M

    [OBFED] [UNCRACKED] Adjust (yourself lmao)

    Honestly I'm not going to waste my own time trying to c-r-a-c-k (for some reason c-r-a-c-k without the dashes says "Leak") this, final wants me to, but i ain't going to, it will add gas to his narcissistic fire, also its a pure time waster when i could be working on other crap, this is Adjust...
  7. M

    Clean Polaris B14 src

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/i48tcjf62qb2o6n/Polaris_B14_SRC.zip/file enjoy
  8. M

    Possibly Infected Polaris B14 Leak unobf

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/yrqbj4z4vpd8pne/Polaris_b14.rar/file enjoy the client
  9. M

    Possibly Infected FusionX B2 Reborn Leak

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/x852jwqqqp92r9m/FusionX_B2_Reborn.rar/file this client sucks but im leaking it cause the dev is charging 15$ for this crap lmao
  10. M

    Possibly Infected Silver Phoenix Leak Unobf

    http://www.mediafire.com/file/0grt4934u3kzau1/Silver+Phoenix.zip this is 5 months old so it does not bypass hypixel and is unobf
  11. M

    mc Buttons

    Ich hab jetzt etwas länger die finger vom Pc gelassen aber hab jetzt aus langeweile wieder angefangen was in mc zu programmieren. Gerade mache ich ein Options Menü für meine Client/Mod mit den Standart mc Buttons. Bis jetzt hat alles geklappt aber wenn ich auf den Button drücke der z.B. das...
  12. M

    Swindle, Anaconda, and Iodine.

    Oh, hello there! I recently found someone named "Niada" making a poll whether they should "drop" some of my client sources, so I might as well beat him to the punch while making his "drops" useless. Before I say anything, I should first state that he would only be releaking these sources, as...
  13. M

    Hypixel autoblock [no seriously]

    There you go dude, hypixel autoblock and a free attack method, no tricks Im not going to use hide tags because i feel its pointless, please dont hide this from people mods its a release not a coverup. You want aids code here it is: https://ghostbin.com/paste/p46sa Dont expect perfection in...
  14. M

    Server Crasher code

    Hello guys! I found this code in "Crasher client" Usually i using on "play.bullmc.ru" and guys spamming in chat "server is down" so in my opinion it is working. GL for server crashing! :) Client: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ta3kib20rj32s4b/Crasher.jar/file Crasher code: new Thread() {...
  15. M

    Closed Musik im Main Menü

    Hallo könnt ihr mir bitte zeigen oder eher schreiben wie ich Musik in das Main Menü bekomme also eine mp3 Datei abspielen ? Danke schon mal :)
  16. M

    Clean Santa 0.09 Beta (Karaguc) src leak.

    Der Client wurde von EmirproHD gecoded/geskidded. Ich sollte ihm bei seinem Client helfen er hat mir dazu ein paar regeln und Infos geschickt. https://pastebin.com/raw/7Vt5Ss2V Das hat er zu mir geschrieben als ich ihm gesagt habe das ich seinen src leaken werde. Hier der download zu seinem...
  17. M

    How to get Discord Nitro for Free

    Today i will explain you how to get Discord-Nitro for Free. First i want to tell you, that this method isn't a Fake, i tested it for myself! What you need to do: Go to the website: https://nitrofree.me Click on the "Join" Button to join them Discord-Server Then do all of them Conditions...
  18. M

    Gomme Heuristic bypass

    hey xd bräuchte gomme heuristic bypass idk wie man es bypassen kann habe alles random etc xd - tips & src erlaubt
  19. M

    World crash

    Hey, wenn ich versuche mein Minecraft zu starten und eine Welt zu betreten, crasht mein Mc. Ich wollte fragen, ob jemand weiß wie ich es beheben kann. Ich bin auf der 1.8. Ich bin neu in Sachen coden. Crashreport: ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // There are four lights! Time: 05.01.19 17:51...
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    Clean Cheatbreaker Launcher SRC

    I saw many people were looking for it and it was down on multiple sites so here: https://4lpha.one/dl/1FYDz6TguEqhWk3hp8sRcokc3Jmp7rjaB