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  1. Dadae

    Nexus Client Cracked By TheAdamNew & BiPolarSolutions (Deobfed)

    took yall long enough
  2. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    just the font renderer 🙏
  3. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    Old nexus soure has what I talked about i cba to show screenshots but compare thr aura speeds scaffold
  4. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    Scaffold, speed, killaura, flies make up like 1k lines, NOT 50 and https://github.com/ArsenicClient/Arsenic/commit/fdf2f9c02cc5b4edfdefbdd56468cf00efb8055b
  5. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    50? Are we looking at the same thing + check who make arsenic
  6. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    i brang it up but the first message you sent you can tell your still mad + its been a month since you leaked my clients 6 month old source. If you dont think thats the case check it
  7. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    Like its not built on that base i deleated almost everything just kept it as the project base
  8. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    The only thing i use from the base is the main class. And you do seem to want to bring back the drama, the 1 billion times is just yap you had no reason. Also fun fact everything that is "all rights reserved" in that base is skidded
  9. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    Breaking license? Its a client base used in a free client. And from what i remember you started the fight leaking the src of both our clients for 0 reason
  10. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    https://github.com/LvStrnggg/clientbase and github auth best
  11. Dadae

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    Its 1.21, and why do you still cry its been soo long since i done nothing and you though i leaked your client
  12. Dadae

    Via Version Banning on Hypixel ( 1.12.2 )

    i think i missed collisions but those aren't really that important, if I missed smth else its probably because my viaversion is broken and crashes on hypixel.
  13. Dadae

    Via Version Banning on Hypixel ( 1.12.2 )

    I am feeling kind so here First do this not really important but yeah https://www.masterof13fps.com/forum/threads/1-9-blocking-with-viamcp.8957/ After make mixins for: 1. MixinEntity 2. MixinEntityLivingBase Also maybe, just maybe follow the fixes they gave you here...
  14. Dadae

    What I need for hypixel scaffold ?

    If you want to make one without much work use hardcoded rots and motionXZ*=0.96, else do what keksbyte said
  15. Dadae

    Src of moew shit client

  16. Dadae

    Client Help obfuscating

    Hello, I want to release my client but im having some trouble. My client is a Forge mod and whenever I try to obfuscate it I either get errors about missing minecraft classes or it crashes when starting the game. Are there specific obfuscators that work with Forge (pls don't say sb27) or am I...
  17. Dadae

    Source +1.9 Blocking with ViaMCP

    @EventLink public final Listener<EventMotion.Pre> preListener = event -> { if (mc.thePlayer.isBlocking() && mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem() != null && mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem().getItem() instanceof ItemSword) { PacketWrapper useItem = PacketWrapper.create(29, null...