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  1. Dadae

    PolarFun/Blink Rage

    Does anyone know how Ryus polarfun module works? Here is a video of it in action:
  2. Dadae

    Source Raven BX Source Decompiled

    This client is useless and pasted. Anyways if you wanna laugh at a skidder here: https://github.com/StephenIsTaken/Raven-BX-Source-Leak
  3. Dadae

    Need help coding backtrack

    So I need help coding backtrack for my client. I know that in csgo you abuse cl_lagcompensation, but im wondering how it works in minecraft? If someone knows how backtrack works or how to make one please help me Thanks in advance :)
  4. Dadae

    I need help coding

    Hi, Im making a new client and im wondering if someone can send me a hypixel bed nuker bypass. I cant find one that works Also yeah idc if you say i skid