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  1. zokia

    Trading Augustus Account for $ or other cheats!

    Augustus Account bought in like July of 2024. Don't cheat much on Intave and Polar anymore and have no use to have this client. Will sell for $30 USD or trade for about $40-$50+ USD worth of other cheats (Mostly looking for: Nursultan, Mega Hack v8 Pro, Moon, Natsuki, and possibly Intellij...
  2. zokia

    Tenacity 1.12.2?

    on 3000iqplay's client list has Tenacity for 1.12 but the repo got fucked. where tf and what tf is this? ive looked everywhere vro 😭 https://github.com/3000IQPlay/client-library
  3. zokia

    Possibly Infected Allatori Non-Commercial (Works with no license!) 9.2 Leaked!

    This is the Allatori Non-Commercial version which works without a license and has every feature included in paid version. And don't worry it's a latest version :3 There's gonna be a shit ton of pasted clients using this after a while. 😭 https://workupload.com/file/8sFkdcemC7U For DMCA Issues...
  4. zokia

    Send Crack Req. Here! WITH LEAKS ONLY!

    I'm bored as hell. I'm just getting into cracking clients and wanna test my abilities in java. And for the love of god don't say anything like: Moon, Rise, Augustus, Drip, Haze Clients etc. ALSO LEAVE LEAKS DON'T JUST LEAVE A NAME OF A CLIENT. Love u! :3
  5. zokia

    Star Client LATEST SRC

    Star Client SRC. The dev fucking exit scammed and left his devs (included me) in the dust and wouldn't respond. Tenacity skid. https://workupload.com/file/XNLJRgRqPW5
  6. zokia

    Adjust Client Actual Leak (Trust)

    (Pasted Description From A Discord) Today, with all the drama and shit that's happening with Auth and Final, I have decided to leak this client. The client itself is decent, but the developers of it are the worst fucking scumbags this community has ever seen. Even worse than tear if you ask...
  7. zokia

    Adjust Client (request)

    Opened in Recaf. Launcher's obf is meh. Still kinda readable.. Prolly can get cracked by someone smarter than my dumbass. Launcher Available to download: https://adjustclient.com
  8. zokia

    Possibly Infected "Star" Client Crack

    Retarded skid who doesn't even know how to code correctly. Client has no obfuscation, and has decent bypasses. But everything is skidded in this shit Tenacity paste. Download (Workupload)
  9. zokia

    Any SRC Or Deobf Of Client With Lowhop, AB, and Same Y Scaff for Hypixel?

    any srcs or deobfs for a client like tht? if so send link cuz I need it for my own client lol. (yes dw its private. mainly just a public bypass dump.)