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  1. N

    Client Velocity Flags on Grim with Killaura

    Hello, my Killaura normally bypasses Grim flawlessly. However sometimes when I recieve Knockback, I get flagged back for Movement. Is there a Velocity Methode where I would have to tweak the Yaw or any other known way how to circumvent that?
  2. N

    Good rotations

    Vulcan also false Flags quite often, the slightest fast Mouse / Rotation Movement results in a handful of Vulcan falses
  3. N

    Application Looking for developers for LiquidBounce Nextgen

    Who doesnt know this website? I think everyone that is or was involved in the (especially German) MC Cheating Community knows this Website
  4. N


    What is your Base MCP Version and towards which Version are you spoofing?
  5. N

    Client Weird Movement Flaggs

    Hey, I am currently trying to bypass some weird Servers like UniversoCraft or HyCraft and on both (I mostly test on PracticePvP or how you want to call it) I get weird Movement Flaggs even though I am using moveFlying Movement Fix and do not Sprint. Does someone know where this may originate from?
  6. N

    Client Vulcan Aim(Y) Bypass

    Hey, For a handful of Weeks I am now trying to Bypass Vulcans Aim(Y) Check but it seems like that nothing I am trying seems to fully bypass it. I have already tried improving my Sensitivity Bypass, I used different kinds and possibilies for Smooth&Random Rotations but nothing seems to work. Does...
  7. N

    Client Vulcan "Aim(Y)" Check

    Hey, I am fairly new to bypassing quite "modern" Anticheats so I would like to ask this Community if somebody would know what specifical is meant by Vulcan " Aim (Y) (vl:2/5): diff=25.158985 dist=0.7319268719399414 | Generic rotation analysis heuristic." and if somebody knows a good way of...
  8. N


    Hey, I have lately tried to understand and learn a bit how a GLSL Shader and therefor the most Popular a Shader Background and Outline Shader Works. After I tried out those things a bit now and I think I understand GLSL Shaders quite well, I stumbled upon the Problem of making a Dropshadow...
  9. N

    mc.objectmouseover Delay

    Hello, Currently I use mc.objectmouseover for my Scaffold because as far as I know its the most legit Way to Place Blocks and get the Facing, Vec and Position for BlockPositions as it is completely based on Rotations. But I have a Problem with it, that is that it has a weird delay of maybe...
  10. N

    Closed Velta Source

    Habe gehört die Velta Source wurde irgendwo vom Dev oder ähnlichem geleakt und wollte fragen ob einer von euch die hat?:eek::D
  11. N

    Minecraft Client/ Java Obfuscator

    Hey, I am currently looking for a good Java Obfuscator which works good without crashes or something with Minecraft Clients. If you also have a recommended Config for that, which makes it work with Clients or stuff it would be nice if you could also give me a Link to that!
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    AAC4 KillAura Flaggs

    Hey, habe ein Problem, probiere auf dem neuen AAC eine Killaura zu programmieren kriege hingegen immer wieder folgende Flaggs: A2 B1 B4 B6 Nun wollte ich fragen ob bekannt ist wodurch diese jeweilig verursacht werden(Am wichtigsten wäre A2) und optional auch wie man diese beheben kann. Mfg
  13. N

    neue CubeCraft Checks

    Heyyoo, Habe mitbekommen dass CubeCraft neue Checks hat unbd bin nicht mehr so ganz up2date und wollte fragen was ihr wisst was man so braucht, wurde nämlich beim KillAura und Scaffold nutzen geflaggt Zu KillAura: Nutze RayCast, random Delay und Range um die 4.2, kein AutoBlock und sie ist...
  14. N

    Source [Request] Eject Fragment und Vertex Shader

    Hey, ich wollte fragen ob jemand die Fragment(verschiedene .frag) und Vertex("default.vertex") Shader von eject hat und mir diese zu senden könnte?
  15. N

    [Question] Obfuscator for Minecraft Clients

    Hello I am new to coding and I would like to know a good Obfuscator for Minecraft Clients, I've already tried ProGuard and some bad Allatori Crack but both haven't quite worked so well.. What Obfuscation would you recommend for Minecraft Clients and with what kind of Config for it?