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  1. L

    Hypixel getPing()

    Does anyone knows how to make a method to get ping in Hypixel? I tried to use the getPing() in original Minecraft code but I only get like 1 ms. Thanks in advance
  2. L

    Client Silent Chest Stealer

    Hi! Recently (not actually its like 3 - 4 months ago) i found out how you could make a simple silent cheststealer. Here's how: 1st: You create a Boolean Option in your Chest Stealer Module (not req). 2nd: Go to GuiContainer.java on your project 3rd: Inside it, there's a method called drawScreen...
  3. L

    Infected Raven b3

    Can someone help me check this client src to see if there's a rat or not? Because I have seen a lot of people saying its a rat, the code is obfuscated so I had no idea lol. https://www.mediafire.com/file/hpao4mstsepzhfw/%255B1.8.9%255D_KeystrokesMod_v4.jar/file
  4. L

    Clean Extended scaffold

    does anyone knows how to make extend scaffold? if so can I have a tutorial on it?
  5. L

    Disable Block Harvest Particle

    The title says it all but I am still gonna explain. So like how do I make Block Harvest Particle not rendered? That is all. P/s: It kinda looks somewhat like this:
  6. L

    Closed Astro 2.1.3 src

    Asro 2.1.3 has a nice looking clickgui. If someone has the src can I have the link pls. Thanks
  7. L

    Closed Silent Chest Stealer ( no tags cuz idk this kind of language )

    Can someone tells me or help me with making a Silent Chest
  8. L

    Source [REQUEST] Old clients src

    Hello, I am a skidder and I really want these client src so I can 5kid. Thanks. The download below is for 4 client jars: None 2.1, Remix 1.6.3, Flux b13 and Sectio. Download
  9. L

    Source Hera v8.0 src

    I want the src of Hera to 5kid. Thanks. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ixndx7ln4pguxbx/Hera.zip/file
  10. L

    Source Fancy block particles mod src request

    I need the src for this mod could anyone help please? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fancy-block-particles/download/2632104 p/s : I am a 5kidder so stop like oh you 5kidder. i think I admitted I am a 5kidder
  11. L

    Client [REQUEST] Old Novoline Src

    Can someone help me make this into an eclipse ready src so I can get the visuals? Thanks http://www.mediafire.com/file/oe7abs5zsjik4cm/Novoline.rar/file