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  1. Aui

    AmongUsUnlocker 2.0

    hello, i wanna share an unlocker for all hats, pets and skins. Simply download the tool, extract it anywhere and open it as administrator. Make sure Among Us and steam is closed while doing this. The unlocker just patches the game's GameAssembly.dll. Credits: Zat (UC) Download Source Code
  2. Aui

    [LUA] FFI course

    shoutout to owen. [ Introduction ] Hello! I have decided to write an in-depth FFI crash course to provide a place for anyone regardless of your experience to learn without looking through the dozens of possibly confusing scripts released here on the forum, which are generally undocumented and...
  3. Aui

    Application Searching for developers

    //new Discord added in thread
  4. Aui

    Current state of VAC Bans 12.07.2020

    So right now it looks like Valve decided to hand out VAC bans to accounts that were stuck in very low trust factor. Nobody but Valve knows how exactly their trust factor system works, but it's certain that there are some actions that can get you stuck in that trust factor, for example having a...