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  1. Noauth

    Infected Astolfo Released For Free.

    Zarzel last attempt at ratting with the astolfo name
  2. Noauth

    Adjust Client Actual Leak (Trust)

    😱 not like you cant download it at adjustclient.com !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Noauth

    post crack suggestions here

    myau forge mod. latest: https://www.mediafire.com/file/f3be9mgqvb3uywp/Myau-240820.jar/file
  4. Noauth

    Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)

    Within the first 30 minutes of release i got the webhook to Nexus and database by just a few request 😪 https://i.e-z.host/hmk8xr4i.png https://i.e-z.host/oyn3kmsk.png https://www.mediafire.com/file/bcxfbu59fo93r7i/nexus-1.0.jar/file
  5. Noauth

    Dog Recode Leak

    i have a account
  6. Noauth

    Dog Recode Leak

    just from simple intercepting the jvm traffic it contacts legitclient.com/getclient and /Java,/getnatives, an exaple of this is https://legitclient.com/getToken?uid=0000&hwid=hwid (would be like bsdfesdf38472934hdsf83) &clientId=dog-launcher then if it gets right credentials (uid and hwid) then...
  7. Noauth

    Possibly Infected Rise Latest Beta Crack

    it isnt a rat and what are you talking abt?
  8. Noauth

    Possibly Infected Rise Latest Beta Crack

    Using tut by vu with Risepatcher we got the latest rise crack :D https://www.mediafire.com/file/52uc7p62hmogtup/Rise_v6.zip/file