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1.8.8 decompile error.

At First, please check if you have done the following steps:

- runned Minecraft with this version at least once
- installed the newest Java Version x64 (i think 144 is the newest)
- installed Java JDK (Java Development Kit)
- have all sources of the mcp in the same folder

If the Error still exists after you have done all this steps, just delete ur .minecraft folder and your Java Settings and install it on the default path. Restart your PC and you should be fine.

EDIT: It seems like that you are running an older version of windows. Maybe your using a x32 (x86) bit Version?
This problem is windows 7 related.
You could run a virtual machine with windows 10 installed and decompile it there or consider upgrading to windows 10.
Otherwise try to allocate more memory to java.
- runned Minecraft with this version at least once
Unnötig, wie sollte MCP sonst den MCInjector anwenden?
- installed the newest Java Version x64 (i think 144 is the newest)
Er hat doch schon 151 installiert?
- installed Java JDK (Java Development Kit)
Hat er ebenfalls?
EDIT: It seems like that you are running an older version of windows. Maybe your using a x32 (x86) bit Version?
Was ist denn bitte "x32"?
Also entweder x86 und x64, oder x86 und x86_64, oder 32Bit und 64Bit, aber bitte nicht "x32"
This problem is windows 7 related.
You could run a virtual machine with windows 10 installed and decompile it there or consider upgrading to windows 10.
Otherwise try to allocate more memory to java.
The problem was in the RAM, everything is fine.
Unnötig, wie sollte MCP sonst den MCInjector anwenden?

Er hat doch schon 151 installiert?

Hat er ebenfalls?

Was ist denn bitte "x32"?
Also entweder x86 und x64, oder x86 und x86_64, oder 32Bit und 64Bit, aber bitte nicht "x32"
Sorry du Model ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)