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Current state of youtubers.

Phobos - Ratted by eviate and kant
i dont have more info but i know that phobos got ratted
Autumn client - ratted by kant
Akrien premium - ratted by Fals3R
Nursultan client - ratted by Fluger or idk
Moon 3.2.5 crack - ratted by BypassYT
DeadCode - ratted by idk
Vape crack - ratted by ZIBLACKING
and more idk
Autumn client - ratted by kant
Akrien premium - ratted by Fals3R
Nursultan client - ratted by Fluger or idk
Moon 3.2.5 crack - ratted by BypassYT
DeadCode - ratted by idk
Vape crack - ratted by ZIBLACKING
and more idk
Ah yes, moon 3.2.5, my favorite youtuber
Autumn client - ratted by kant
Akrien premium - ratted by Fals3R
Nursultan client - ratted by Fluger or idk
Moon 3.2.5 crack - ratted by BypassYT
DeadCode - ratted by idk
Vape crack - ratted by ZIBLACKING
and more idk
i dont think he meant the client dumbass