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May 8, 2021
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Can somebody please make me font renderer with some basic tutorial like how to draw strings or where do i need to put the fonts?
I confess i have sinned but my profile contains atleast some submissions that have been written using more than 3 braincells and to find your shitty posts i didn't even have to look at the profiles first submissions because yours were all on the first page of the forum because you couldn't get your flux source code to work and couldn't cope
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I confess i have sinned but my profile contains atleast some submissions that have been written using more than 3 braincells and to find your shitty posts i didn't even have to look at the profiles first submissions because yours were all on the first page of the forum because you couldn't get your flux source code to work and couldn't cope
Don't worry, I already got the source running. I just needed to know what I need for it :D You can not write so others that they are stupid when you post something like that.
Don't worry, I already got the source running. I just needed to know what I need for it :D You can not write so others that they are stupid when you post something like that.
Funny enough i can and do you know why? Because i actually found out how to make a font renderer and do you know why? I know i said it like 1000 times but it's just the magical word learning just one guy responded it to it with a link and guess what? I watched it and found out how to make a font renderer also why shouldn't stupid person call other person stupid? It's not like if i had some retarded "past" your submissions are now labeled as "non-retarded", yes i was retarded (is that what you wanted to see me type?) but that doesn't mean you aren't retarded, it's also funny that you called my submission "stupid" even thought you post threads similar to this and see yourself as a god that is extremely intelligent by "just asking"
This is the most unneccessary and dumb conversation I have EVER seen in my life!
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