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Is looking on Entity Serverside


New member
Jan 3, 2022
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Hello there!

Is there a way to check if the player is looking on an Entity Serverside? I have some headrotations but they are "lagging" and are a bit behind. this is why I check if the player is on the entity before hitting it. Now can I also check that Serverside? I can do it ClientSide but because the headrotations are looking ugly I would like keeping it Serverside.
There isnt a method to specifically check if your looking at an entity server side but you could use the same method that is used to check it client sided and input your headrotations. For the long run you should absolutely fix your rotations lagging behind because that will later flag on anticheats
There isnt a method to specifically check if your looking at an entity server side but you could use the same method that is used to check it client sided and input your headrotations. For the long run you should absolutely fix your rotations lagging behind because that will later flag on anticheats
Hey Dude!
Thanks for the answer!
Sadly I don't really know how to do head rotations. I copied the headrotations from intent.store if you know them (they made a youtube tutorial on how to make an hack client). So I don't really understand how this different parts adding up to headroatations. Do you know any tutorial that shows how it works and how this different things add up to a more or less smooth rotation?
Hey Dude!
Thanks for the answer!
Sadly I don't really know how to do head rotations. I copied the headrotations from intent.store if you know them (they made a youtube tutorial on how to make an hack client). So I don't really understand how this different parts adding up to headroatations. Do you know any tutorial that shows how it works and how this different things add up to a more or less smooth rotation?
Im not sure what u mean in your comment so ill answer everything that I think you could be referring to. The rotations are being calculated with some simple trigonometry but you seem to have that method already. To smooth your rotations there is a method somewhere in the mc code called updateRotations or so, incase you want to smooth your rotations. And if your talking about your rotations lagging behind check all methods that send rotation packets. If I recall correctly some packets will only be sent under certain circumstances. When unedited too little rotation packets will be sent and ur rotations start lagging behind
Thanks for the fast answer! So well I dont have the know knowledge of simple trigonometry xD
But that already helped me a lot!

Hey Dude!
Thanks for the answer!
Sadly I don't really know how to do head rotations. I copied the headrotations from intent.store if you know them (they made a youtube tutorial on how to make an hack client). So I don't really understand how this different parts adding up to headroatations. Do you know any tutorial that shows how it works and how this different things add up to a more or less smooth rotation?
Intent's rotations in their tutorial are bad. Watch Exeos's KillAura tutorial which has proper non-laggy rotations.