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Killaura rotations help


New member
Jun 8, 2024
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so im having a problem with killaura rotations im currently just using C05PacketPlayer to update the rotations which works:
private void updateServerSideRotations(float yaw, float pitch) {
mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C05PacketPlayerLook(yaw, pitch, mc.thePlayer.onGround));
thats what i use but the problem is that on anticheat-test.com when i turn it on the serverside rotations work but my timer balance (or just balance) rises very high and very quickly until i turn it off so i tried to figure out what it was and a soon as i removed the updateServerSideRotations(rotations[0], rotations[1] + pitchAdjustment); call the timerbalance stopped rising i already have client side rotations which work but these serverside rotations work but i get alot of failed timer3A or timer11A
Timer flags are most likely due to you sending too many packets. Don't send additional packets, manipulate the ones going to the server.

so im having a problem with killaura rotations im currently just using C05PacketPlayer to update the rotations which works:
private void updateServerSideRotations(float yaw, float pitch) {
mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C03PacketPlayer.C05PacketPlayerLook(yaw, pitch, mc.thePlayer.onGround));
thats what i use but the problem is that on anticheat-test.com when i turn it on the serverside rotations work but my timer balance (or just balance) rises very high and very quickly until i turn it off so i tried to figure out what it was and a soon as i removed the updateServerSideRotations(rotations[0], rotations[1] + pitchAdjustment); call the timerbalance stopped rising i already have client side rotations which work but these serverside rotations work but i get alot of failed timer3A or timer11A
due to sending too many packets, instead of doing it via that method, modify the rotations sent by the player to be the custom yaw and pitch instead of just sending a new packet. i think the method you do this in in 1.8 (assuming you are on that) is onWalkingPlayerUpdate() in EntityPlayerSP