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Question for crackers


Dec 2, 2023
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Who are crackers? And why do they do it? Do they get paid? If yes then how much? How long do they work in this field?
pls dont be mad if this idiot question, because its me
1. ?
2. they either add malware to the crack: steal your shit, do it for fun (mostly if the prot is trash) or they have beef with the client owner etc.
3. if they add malware then yes, by crypto mining / selling your accs.
4. -
5. depends on the "cracker"
1. ?
2. they either add malware to the crack: steal your shit, do it for fun (mostly if the prot is trash) or they have beef with the client owner etc.
3. if they add malware then yes, by crypto mining / selling your accs.
4. -
5. depends on the "cracker"
This question for crackers, not for "hackers"
Who are crackers?
Typically homo habilis.
And why do they do it?
Usually to bring down clients that they consider "unworthy" of their status (typically because they are a skid or are overpriced) or to get fame in the community.
Do they get paid? If yes then how much?
Maybe some people do small commissions on unknown clients, but I doubt there's a larger paid cracks scene, because the mc cheating com isn't as big as for example in CS or Warzone where's it's quite common.
How long do they work in this field?
Depends, but as I said before you're probably not going to encounter a lot of "industry professionals" in a lego game cheating scene, so they're generally just hobbyists with a few years of experience at best.
Typically homo habilis.

Usually to bring down clients that they consider "unworthy" of their status (typically because they are a skid or are overpriced) or to get fame in the community.

Maybe some people do small commissions on unknown clients, but I doubt there's a larger paid cracks scene, because the mc cheating com isn't as big as for example in CS or Warzone where's it's quite common.

Depends, but as I said before you're probably not going to encounter a lot of "industry professionals" in a lego game cheating scene, so they're generally just hobbyists with a few years of experience at best.
hah thanks :)