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Client Request Hanabi, Smoke, Ketamine and Integer

Integer im p sure is dead and has been for ages, Smoke LOL, Hanabi LOL, Ketamine LOL.
UwU Integer is not a thing no more, ketamine rn is not working at all, except dev build, Smoke is private and I will not send you the jar lmfao, Hanabi I am an admin of. you are so retarded holy shit.
Has someone cracks for one of this Client pls?
1. integer is a dead client (it isnt being updated anymore)
2. Hanabi bruh
3. Smoke is private and like 4 people have it
4. Ketamines latest build isnt released but there is a version of it on here (it isnt a crack)
I think you forgot to add astolfo,moon,novoline.wtf,intent novoline,rise,azura and sigma premium
yeah bro crack ketamine men I want to use it
Ik this is old but there is a crack of ketamine in leaked clients