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Dec 17, 2021
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Basically, I cracked Gamecom Client. It's a skidded ass client (NEWTON SOFT DLL KEKW), has a very toxic, racist ass owner that is 11 and edates and has a toxic ass 6 year old co owner that watches porn. Hope those dudes die or smth.

Cracked using LeafSpy in 2 minutes.


Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/66p1pn68lf9avhe/gamecom_sex_edition_6969.exe/file

1337 gang on top!
this is gamecom 3 years later, i just remembered about this post lol

the co owner was like 8 at the time, and he did watch porn which is kinda weird, but i was pretty retarded 3 years ago so i didnt care. i wasnt edating, also a retarded joke, i lied about my age a lot, and i was extremely toxic and racist (not anymore). also im pretty sure like 5 or 6 months later the guy that got mad at me for skidding friended me and we made up, (also she said shes the original creator of jello or something? idk) also she got mad at me for skidding the color purple and decided to leak it if i can remember correctly, and i never actually downloaded this i just got some people to call it a rat which it may have actually been since i dont rember giving anyone other than staff access, but it was 3 years ago lol.

im not rereading this, dont rape me over continued sentences or grammar mistakes lol

if u have any questions dm me (im not gonna talk about the co owner or edating shit, its been 3 years get over it): ijustmadethisaccawhileago
this is gamecom 3 years later, i just remembered about this post lol

the co owner was like 8 at the time, and he did watch porn which is kinda weird, but i was pretty retarded 3 years ago so i didnt care. i wasnt edating, also a retarded joke, i lied about my age a lot, and i was extremely toxic and racist (not anymore). also im pretty sure like 5 or 6 months later the guy that got mad at me for skidding friended me and we made up, (also she said shes the original creator of jello or something? idk) also she got mad at me for skidding the color purple and decided to leak it if i can remember correctly, and i never actually downloaded this i just got some people to call it a rat which it may have actually been since i dont rember giving anyone other than staff access, but it was 3 years ago lol.

im not rereading this, dont rape me over continued sentences or grammar mistakes lol

if u have any questions dm me (im not gonna talk about the co owner or edating shit, its been 3 years get over it): ijustmadethisaccawhileago
this is the person you're talking about lmao. the she in the story cuh
this is gamecom 3 years later, i just remembered about this post lol

the co owner was like 8 at the time, and he did watch porn which is kinda weird, but i was pretty retarded 3 years ago so i didnt care. i wasnt edating, also a retarded joke, i lied about my age a lot, and i was extremely toxic and racist (not anymore). also im pretty sure like 5 or 6 months later the guy that got mad at me for skidding friended me and we made up, (also she said shes the original creator of jello or something? idk) also she got mad at me for skidding the color purple and decided to leak it if i can remember correctly, and i never actually downloaded this i just got some people to call it a rat which it may have actually been since i dont rember giving anyone other than staff access, but it was 3 years ago lol.

im not rereading this, dont rape me over continued sentences or grammar mistakes lol

if u have any questions dm me (im not gonna talk about the co owner or edating shit, its been 3 years get over it): ijustmadethisaccawhileago
damn, you stopped being racist? sadge : (