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Client Nexus Client Jar Leak and DB leak (just a leak not a crack)


New member
Jan 14, 2024
Reaction score
Within the first 30 minutes of release i got the webhook to Nexus and database by just a few request 😪 https://i.e-z.host/hmk8xr4i.png https://i.e-z.host/oyn3kmsk.png



  • DB.txt
    495 bytes · Views: 58
Is this version of Nexus still an arsenic rename lol?
Is this version of Nexus still an arsenic rename lol?
Its 1.21, and why do you still cry its been soo long since i done nothing and you though i leaked your client
Its 1.21, and why do you still cry its been soo long since i done nothing and you though i leaked your client
I just asked bro, and therefore I assume it's a paste of something else. Keep going strong with the glorified version of pastebin auth 🙏
Is admitting the fact that you pasted the client breaking license some kind of a gotcha move lol. I just asked because I remembered I had a client of this name in an archive, I wasn't mentally prepared to have to deal with you again 😭
Breaking license? Its a client base used in a free client. And from what i remember you started the fight leaking the src of both our clients for 0 reason
Breaking license? Its a client base used in a free client. And from what i remember you started the fight leaking the src of both our clients for 0 reason
So far you have been the only one bringing this old drama here, actively deluding yourself about what happened, and yet I'm the one that, in your eyes, is crying. I won't respond or deny what you're saying about the drama, as it's a meaningless drama that I have explained a billion times before, and therefore I don't see a point in doing that. And as to what you said about the license, the repository has a LICENSE file, which clearly state "All Rights Reserved", this only means that the author is reserving his right to use the code as he pleases and does not give permission to others to use his code, and seeing as an explicit permission is necessary when using open-source projects, you are breaking the license.
So far you have been the only one bringing this old drama here, actively deluding yourself about what happened, and yet I'm the one that, in your eyes, is crying. I won't respond or deny what you're saying about the drama, as it's a meaningless drama that I have explained a billion times before, and therefore I don't see a point in doing that. And as to what you said about the license, the repository has a LICENSE file, which clearly state "All Rights Reserved", this only means that the author is reserving his right to use the code as he pleases and does not give permission to others to use his code, and seeing as an explicit permission is necessary when using open-source projects, you are breaking the license.
The only thing i use from the base is the main class. And you do seem to want to bring back the drama, the 1 billion times is just yap you had no reason. Also fun fact everything that is "all rights reserved" in that base is skidded
The only thing i use from the base is the main class. And you do seem to want to bring back the drama, the 1 billion times is just yap you had no reason
Like its not built on that base i deleated almost everything just kept it as the project base
And you do seem to want to bring back the drama, the 1 billion times is just yap you had no reason
Let me shorten it so your simple brain can understand: "This drama was stupid, you were clearly the one to bring it up, and I don't care enough to argue with a moron like you about it"
Like its not built on that base i deleated almost everything just kept it as the project base
And here comes the damage control.. I'm sure that is the case ;)
Let me shorten it so your simple brain can understand: "This drama was stupid, you were clearly the one to bring it up, and I don't care enough to argue with a moron like you about it"

And here comes the damage control.. I'm sure that is the case ;)
i brang it up but the first message you sent you can tell your still mad + its been a month since you leaked my clients 6 month old source. If you dont think thats the case check it
i brang it up but the first message you sent you can tell your still mad
I just asked a simple question that wasn't related to you as I didn't remember you were involved in that client. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't really care that much.
its been a month since you leaked my clients 6 month old source. If you dont think thats the case check it
I suppose that's the case, however "my" is a very strong word considering there were about 50 lines of original code in the source code I put on the archive, hence why I just assumed it was some random fork from GitHub when I found it..
I just asked a simple question that wasn't related to you as I didn't remember you were involved in that client. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't really care that much.

I suppose that's the case, however "my" is a very strong word considering there were about 50 lines of original code in the source code I put on the archive, hence why I just assumed it was some random fork from GitHub when I found it..
50? Are we looking at the same thing + check who make arsenic
50? Are we looking at the same thing + check who make arsenic
Yes, we are indeed looking at the same thing, and yes, I knew that you made 3 whole contributions to the arsenic project, which were mostly refactoring, and let's be honest that's a huge contribution, let's not deny that, however I don't see how's that relevant, since all I said was that the client was an Arsenic rename, which stands true.
Yes, we are indeed looking at the same thing, and yes, I knew that you made 3 whole contributions to the arsenic project, which were mostly refactoring, and let's be honest that's a huge contribution, let's not deny that, however I don't see how's that relevant, since all I said was that the client was an Arsenic rename, which stands true.
Scaffold, speed, killaura, flies make up like 1k lines, NOT 50 and
>Committed last week
We're talking about the old Nexus source, no?
Old nexus soure has what I talked about i cba to show screenshots but compare thr aura speeds scaffold
Old nexus soure has what I talked about i cba to show screenshots but compare thr aura speeds scaffold
Oh sorry, I forgot to clarify that I meant original as in you wrote it, not that you pasted from somewhere else than Arsenic.