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Hey, he is a 2020 joiner even tho he doesnt have a valid proof about it!
>Akschually I'm cooler than you because you don't have documents proving you cheated in Minecraft in the year 2020
>t. a 12 year old kid necroposting on a forum he uses to ask advice on writing a block game cheat because of sub-80 iq making him unable to do rotation math or read microsoft documentation
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>Akschually I'm cooler than you because you don't have documents proving you cheated in Minecraft in the year 2020
>t. a 12 year old kid necroposting on a forum he uses to ask advice on writing a block game cheat because sub-80 iq making him unable to do rotation math or read microsoft documentation
maybe try talking to me after u get a job irl?
you gotta be quit you retarded ape. a few months ago you asked for help for the most simple shit. retards nowadays cant even use chatgpt.
of course you're not gonna provide evidence or say exactly what i asked for. also there's no limit to the power of human laziness and unemployment.
you gotta be quit you retarded ape. a few months ago you asked for help for the most simple shit. retards nowadays cant even use chatgpt.
talk to me after u get a job irl
unemployed squad
i bet you work on a construction site. thats no job, thats slavery
nt, but i work at a 5 star hotel called sheraton grand

maybe you should also get a job so u wont be stuck to deving block game cheats for a living broke boy
nt, but i work at a 5 star hotel called sheraton grand

maybe you should also get a job so u wont be stuck to deving block game cheats for a living broke boy
So you go around bragging about the fact that he's a janitor? πŸ’€ Let's pretend that his main source of income *is* developing cheats for Minecraft, that still at least requires some intelligence and basic computer knowledge instead of being a hotel wagecuck πŸ’€ πŸ’€
"I wOrK aT a 5 sTaR hOtEl!1!" has the same energy as "I handle food distribution for a multi-million dollar company" [food delivery for mcdonalds]
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nt, but i work at a 5 star hotel called sheraton grand

maybe you should also get a job so u wont be stuck to deving block game cheats for a living broke boy
bro why don't you name your position? what is it, a janitor?
So you go around bragging about the fact that he's a janitor? πŸ’€ Let's pretend that his main source of income *is* developing cheats for Minecraft, that still at least requires some intelligence and basic computer knowledge instead of being a hotel wagecuck πŸ’€ πŸ’€
"I wOrK aT a 5 sTaR hOtEl!1!" has the same energy as "I handle food distribution for a multi-million dollar company" [food delivery for mcdonalds]
developing cheats for a living isn't a flex, the fact that y'all are gonna be unemployed fcktards in the future is just funny

+ i'm guessing y'all also left school and sht just to dev clients thats sad at this point g
y'all are gonna be homeless unemployed brookies
that's no better than a cashier 😭 minimum wage ass
"minimum wage ass"
"that's no better than a cashier"

seems like you haven't worked on a job in ur entire life
not surprised, you're just a 16 or 15 y.o guy who is hiding the fact that you're a femboy.

maybe go outside and breath fresh air and go on a walk with ur friends so u can get to know the world in a better way

also u should prolly search for a job so u can actually understand what a job really is and how much u can make with the job u have

i work at a 5 star hotel as a receptionist and you're saying "no better than a cashier" russian braindamaged kid

you make "dog" client for a living meanwhile u cant even make a band off it
you're broke ass hell and u'll always stay broke.

you're literally in need of 100$ LOL