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Recent content by Exeos

  1. Exeos

    Possibly Infected Every build of Vestige cracked (v0.3 - v2.0)

    sadly I dont have a backup of this files, im sure someone reuploaded this leak somewhere. Dont trust reuploads tho.
  2. Exeos

    Client im back

  3. Exeos

    Dog Client

    why if you have alr cracked it?
  4. Exeos

    Dog Client

    bro I was almost done :(
  5. Exeos

    Client im back

    sure, whats your discord
  6. Exeos

    Client im back

    send me clients I should crack, I might make a discord server soon
  7. Exeos

    Client im back

    dog client soon... status: jnic dll decrypted: ✅ classes decrypted: ✅ repacked jar: 🔴
  8. Exeos

    Client Blossom client cracked

    Its safe, I know the devs. Also do not hate the devs. This client is NOT pasted. download Discord: Exeos#1010
  9. Exeos

    Aqua b13 leak | still pasted

    Download: https://workupload.com/file/yGAWfQ8GcDB
  10. Exeos

    Clean Vestige v1.9.8 cracked :shocked:

    Unpatchable this time ;) Download Password: 1337 Vestige auth (deobfed, cleaned and explained) attached
  11. Exeos

    Possibly Infected Vestige v1.9.5 (latest) cracked

    // The client is clean (debugged and code checked) Download Password: 1337 Join my Discord Danke an Reave für die jar <3
  12. Exeos

    Clean Aqua Client leak | cracked & No obf | Ultra Skid Client

    The "dev" LCA_MODZ keeps doing the same thing ever since he started making cheats 2+ years ago. Pastes a new client, gets src leaked, lies to himself and everyone else, and repeat. Till this shit show stops he won't be able to ever release a client public or private it will get cracked <3...
  13. Exeos

    Possibly Infected Kawaii hack client cracked

    After looking at this "protection" I think Vestige is fort knox More clients soon... keep sending me them! INFO I fixed the nullpointer exception error when joining a server but it still crashes (looked into it its a nullpointer exception in EntityRenderer in the method "updateCameraAndRender"...
  14. Exeos

    Client Send me clients, I will crack <3

    Idk I'm bored so let's bring this back to life! Discord: Exeos#1010 Only send me clients over Discord bcs I may not see your messages here. YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME CLIENT FILES (Don't just say "Crack Rise 5.x")
  15. Exeos

    Looking for new Vestige versions

    Don't send me any versions from 0.3 - 2.0 as I already cracked those!