The "dev" LCA_MODZ keeps doing the same thing ever since he started making cheats 2+ years ago.
Pastes a new client, gets src leaked, lies to himself and everyone else, and repeat.
Till this shit show stops he won't be able to ever release a client public or private it will get cracked <3...
After looking at this "protection" I think Vestige is fort knox
More clients soon... keep sending me them!
INFO I fixed the nullpointer exception error when joining a server but it still crashes (looked into it its a nullpointer exception in EntityRenderer in the method "updateCameraAndRender"...
Idk I'm bored so let's bring this back to life!
Discord: Exeos#1010
Only send me clients over Discord bcs I may not see your messages here.
YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME CLIENT FILES (Don't just say "Crack Rise 5.x")
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