Typically homo habilis.
Usually to bring down clients that they consider "unworthy" of their status (typically because they are a skid or are overpriced) or to get fame in the community.
Maybe some people do small commissions on unknown clients, but I doubt there's a larger paid cracks scene...
I don't get why it's so accepted to skid from Raven. Both this and haru are worthless Raven renames that are fully pasted and don't offer anything not found in other clients.
If you google "Tenacity client" the first result will be the website on which it clearly states "purchase". If you fail to do this basic amount of research then it's not unreasonable to think you paste everything off github without second thought, even the source leaks.
Tenacity is not open-source and never was and some random nn calling it open source won't make it so.
It's quite funny how you like to use terms making your message sound professional and like it was written by a lawyer or something (lol), while your argument is that someone said the src was...
Why are you acting like it's impossible to paste from different versions? It's not, the only thing you really need to change is how you handle motion and packets, otherwise you just change a few methods to their counterpart.
If you want to contribute to this forum by reposting a crack you found somewhere else, than you should simply link to where you found it.
Your description of the client makes it sound like the Prestige client on provided.
>Augustus client
>not 2.6 (or 2.5)
I wonder 🤔
In case you'll ever have doubts about any other file, think of this. If Augustus got cracked it would be a big event, so unless you see tens of videos from kids on youtube with Augustus crack pop up, then Augustus hasn't been cracked. And if...
You're probably not going to do yourself any good by bringing your drama with a fellow 12-year-old that no one cares about to here and then calling strangers "retards" because they are not as well versed in the art of cheating in a Lego game for children as you.
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