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Possibly Infected This file rat or real?

I have a goofy ahh pc and i can't run vm
Password: 12345 https://workupload.com/file/QPDmnvNykEv
>Augustus client
>not 2.6 (or 2.5)
I wonder 🤔

In case you'll ever have doubts about any other file, think of this. If Augustus got cracked it would be a big event, so unless you see tens of videos from kids on youtube with Augustus crack pop up, then Augustus hasn't been cracked. And if you're downloading something that claims to be augustus 2.6, then just use this instead as it's the original source.
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>Augustus client
>not 2.6 (or 2.5)
I wonder 🤔

In case you'll ever have doubts about any other file, think of this. If Augustus got cracked it would be a big event, so unless you see tens of videos from kids on youtube with Augustus crack pop up, then Augustus hasn't been cracked. And if you're downloading something that claims to be augustus 2.6, then just use this instead as it's the original source.
xD i knew it
>Augustus client
>not 2.6 (or 2.5)
I wonder 🤔

In case you'll ever have doubts about any other file, think of this. If Augustus got cracked it would be a big event, so unless you see tens of videos from kids on youtube with Augustus crack pop up, then Augustus hasn't been cracked. And if you're downloading something that claims to be augustus 2.6, then just use this instead as it's the original source.
Also i am so idiot why i post that