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CallumUncensored's Violet Client exposé debunked


Jan 20, 2022
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So CallumUncensored recently made a video claiming violet client was a $15 ratted client with a video that was riddled with misinformation. Due to him being well known and most of his previous videos having primarily correct information people blindly believe everything said in the video instead of using any sort of common sense or rational thinking. I do not hate callum or anyone associated with the video because I just believe that the video was rushed (as callum has admitted) and wasn't properly reviewed before the initial upload. If you believe anything I mention here is incorrect and have genuine proof of it then I'll happily update the thread to contain accurate information as I may have been wrong on some or all of these points. (My discord is Sirfrogsalot#0912 so feel free to dm me)

The github with the full deobfuscation of Violet & it's launcher for reference https://github.com/CallumUncensored/VioletClient.

Firstly, I want to talk about the heavy emphasis callum, for whatever reason, put on a literal integer. The port itself, as explained by Volodya, was simply to check if another instance of the application was actually running.

Now, let's talk about the apparent "logger". Nef, claimed to have found traces of a webhook in memory and the launcher itself had a dll which pointed to it containing some sort of webhook yet they never released the dll itself or showed what information was actually being sent to the webhook as there are legitimate reasons for having webhooks in your clients. With neither the webhook itself nor the information funneled being found it has little to no place being as major of a part in his video.

Now there were claims of volodya being matt/thor/innominate simply due to speech patterns which is a bit of a weird one but I do believe matt did have a part in the client. I was originally under the assumption that ecstasy was matt but volodya may be matt which is why I'm not going to outright deny the claim.

Another large flaw in this was the fact that multiple people involved don't even believe what was being stated in the video as pointed out by neva lack. From an unbiased outsiders perspective I started to get the idea that some of the information in the video was just outright fabricated as they spent time deobfuscating & cracking the client for it to potentially be clean. Callum also agreed with the fact that the video was unpolished and information in the video was generally pretty iffy


Volodya also had multiple of his comments deleted on callum's video whenever he tried to defend himself which callum claimed to have just been held for review but in actuality they weren't. This was potentially an issue on youtube's end but I highly doubt that being the case. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/936106049746907216/938424284139896903/chrome_oF36Zg4lQW.mp4 - youtube served me a notification for a comment by volodya which happened to be deleted by the time I got to it)

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Instead of believing everything a big youtuber said, doing actual research
Good job!
So CallumUncensored recently made a video claiming violet client was a $15 ratted client with a video that was riddled with misinformation. Due to him being well known and most of his previous videos having primarily correct information people blindly believe everything said in the video instead of using any sort of common sense or rational thinking. I do not hate callum or anyone associated with the video because I just believe that the video was rushed (as callum has admitted) and wasn't properly reviewed before the initial upload. If you believe anything I mention here is incorrect and have genuine proof of it then I'll happily update the thread to contain accurate information as I may have been wrong on some or all of these points. (My discord is Sirfrogsalot#0912 so feel free to dm me)

The github with the full deobfuscation of Violet & it's launcher for reference https://github.com/CallumUncensored/VioletClient.

Firstly, I want to talk about the heavy emphasis callum, for whatever reason, put on a literal integer. The port itself, as explained by Volodya, was simply to check if another instance of the application was actually running.
View attachment 279

Now, let's talk about the apparent "logger". Nef, claimed to have found traces of a webhook in memory and the launcher itself had a dll which pointed to it containing some sort of webhook yet they never released the dll itself or showed what information was actually being sent to the webhook as there are legitimate reasons for having webhooks in your clients. With neither the webhook itself nor the information funneled being found it has little to no place being as major of a part in his video.
View attachment 280

Now there were claims of volodya being matt/thor/innominate simply due to speech patterns which is a bit of a weird one but I do believe matt did have a part in the client. I was originally under the assumption that ecstasy was matt but volodya may be matt which is why I'm not going to outright deny the claim.

Another large flaw in this was the fact that multiple people involved don't even believe what was being stated in the video as pointed out by neva lack. From an unbiased outsiders perspective I started to get the idea that some of the information in the video was just outright fabricated as they spent time deobfuscating & cracking the client for it to potentially be clean. Callum also agreed with the fact that the video was unpolished and information in the video was generally pretty iffy

View attachment 281

Volodya also had multiple of his comments deleted on callum's video whenever he tried to defend himself which callum claimed to have just been held for review but in actuality they weren't. This was potentially an issue on youtube's end but I highly doubt that being the case. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/936106049746907216/938424284139896903/chrome_oF36Zg4lQW.mp4 - youtube served me a notification for a comment by volodya which happened to be deleted by the time I got to it)

there is now a video of them coming out saying they indeed did fake being token logged by violet!