line up your view direction with your strafe do i strafe serverside and full strafe clientsided like all rise speed mode have rn"
watch this video this is what i'm talking about :
No? Cuz that will strafe serversided since i am just changing my view direction.line up your view direction with your strafe direction.
public void onMotion(MotionEvent event) {
if(event.isPre() && mc.thePlayer.isMoving()){
groundY = mc.thePlayer.posY;
mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.42F;
}else if(mc.thePlayer.posY >= groundY){
//use ur moveutil here to setSpeed ;)
Just make sure the y pos on c03 is the same as the last ground y-lvl you were on, example would be on a "MotionEvent" set the events y variable, example being: (fyi this is what it would be like if you didnt care abt velocity, ofc for velocity you would setGround as event.setOnGround(mc.thePlayer.hurttime == 0) instead of below.)
Java:@EventTarget public void onMotion(MotionEvent event) { if(event.isPre() && mc.thePlayer.isMoving()){ if(mc.thePlayer.onGround){ groundY = mc.thePlayer.posY; mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.42F; }else if(mc.thePlayer.posY >= groundY){ event.setPosY(groundY); event.setOnGround(true); } //use ur moveutil here to setSpeed ;) } }
yup lmao, you seen hypixel "strafe" yet?We've gone beyond skidding, this is literally just faking bypasses xd
It's hypixel so i'm sure they found a way to fuck up even a strafe check but so far all i've seen are retards using this "path finding" speed (literally just spoofing strafe and aligning the yaw), or fags literally just spoofing yyup lmao, you seen hypixel "strafe" yet?
Just make sure the y pos on c03 is the same as the last ground y-lvl you were on, example would be on a "MotionEvent" set the events y variable, example being: (fyi this is what it would be like if you didnt care abt velocity, ofc for velocity you would setGround as event.setOnGround(mc.thePlayer.hurttime == 0) instead of below.)
Java:@EventTarget public void onMotion(MotionEvent event) { if(event.isPre() && mc.thePlayer.isMoving()){ if(mc.thePlayer.onGround){ groundY = mc.thePlayer.posY; mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.42F; }else if(mc.thePlayer.posY >= groundY){ event.setPosY(groundY); event.setOnGround(true); } //use ur moveutil here to setSpeed ;) } }
you do realize every client makes it so u dont jump, right?Well yea i tried the code and it works. But how do i make it jump also serversided? Because on serversided i'm just basically on ground.
you do realize every client makes it so u dont jump, right?