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Source Latest Rise 6.0 Source

Extract the archive, open the folder in Intellij IDEA. Then you must go to Project Structure > Artifacts and create a new artifact. Delete Backend and Data Analyzer compiler outputs at the bottom. Then you can open Build and press build artifacts. There you select your artifact and build it.

But you have to keep in mind that this source contains a crypto miner and you'll have to find and remove it.
No, this source does NOT contain any bitcoin miner, I want you to show me any proof for your claims.
No, this source does NOT contain any bitcoin miner, I want you to show me any proof for your claims.
Hello, I am really sorry for spreading misinformation. My task manager was showing a 100% load of my GPU, but it turns out it wasn't loaded. I should have looked what specifically was overloaded beforehand, but I did not.
no, add -noverify in running command. You will know What I am meaning about

+) I could see Killaura in the gui and i can enable it, however, it doesn't works
I scrapped the way killaura gets the targets and rewrote it. Now it works somehow.

Here's my code:

        targets = mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList


                    .filter(entity -> entity instanceof EntityLivingBase)

                    .map(entity -> (EntityLivingBase) entity)

                    .filter(entity -> {

                        if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer && !player.getValue()) {
                            return false;

                        if (entity instanceof EntityAnimal && !animals.getValue()) {
                            return false;

                        if (entity instanceof EntityMob && !mobs.getValue()) {
                            return false;

                        if (entity.isInvisible() && !invisibles.getValue()) {
                            return false;

                        if (entity.deathTime != 0 || entity.isDead) {
                            return false;

                        if (mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(entity) > range.getValue().doubleValue()) {
                            return false;

                        return entity != mc.thePlayer;


                    .sorted(Comparator.comparingDouble(entity -> mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(entity)))


        target = targets.isEmpty() ? null : targets.get(0);
auxy? why is there a webhook in me/tecnio/util? its down but uhhh
edit: there is webhook stuff the webhook itself is in me\tecnio\backend\manager\impl\community
auxy? why is there a webhook in me/tecnio/util? its down but uhhh
edit: there is webhook stuff the webhook itself is in me\tecnio\backend\manager\impl\community
thats from rise not from me... stop asking stuff and use ur brain before thx
I also checked the the webhook before, it was down before i even post the source here
thats from rise not from me... stop asking stuff and use ur brain before thx
I also checked the the webhook before, it was down before i even post the source here
yea i know just wanted to say
Ok, so ka solved, and miner issue solved?
I was wrong, the source is clean. My task manager showed a 100% load on my GPU, but it wasn't loaded. Sorry for making a problem out of this.

By the way, the KillAura is pretty bad. Rise 5.90 had a more advanced KillAura.
I was wrong, the source is clean. My task manager showed a 100% load on my GPU, but it wasn't loaded. Sorry for making a problem out of this.

By the way, the KillAura is pretty bad. Rise 5.90 had a more advanced KillAura.
By the way, the KillAura is pretty bad. Rise 5.90 had a more advanced KillAura.
As in what? It bypasses are better in my opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not everything needs to be super customizable if it bypasses.

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does anyone have any compiled ver since i dont how to compile it