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Possibly Infected Opal Client 060824 Cracked


Jan 20, 2022
Reaction score
Some chinese cunt cracked opal and posted a video on bilibili, cbf checking if its ratted but here it is

its a very unique crack thats for sure

Why are you calling him a cunt? He's doing a lot of people a big favor for cracking this overpriced client.
is this the newest version

bud whats the username and pass

it works just whats the username and pass
it works just whats the username and pass
If you did everything correctly you should just press "Enter" on your keyboard when you are on the login screen and it should just skip right past it. If not, check if you have done this step:
- Added JVM argument "-javaagent:Opal-Patcher.jar" (for this to work, you must drag n drop the patcher's jar into your .minecraft directory
I get error code 1 for no reason i did everything i should of what version is this
Some chinese cunt cracked opal and posted a video on bilibili, cbf checking if its ratted but here it is

its a very unique crack thats for sure

the files are okay and are legit. the patcher works like a server that opal connects which basically bypasses all kinds of auth, the changelog is lit in the patcher itself
Doesnt work for me. I get the exit code 1. I added JVM argument and put the files in correct folders
it does work but i cant get past the username and pass, i did everything i had to
Some chinese cunt cracked opal and posted a video on bilibili, cbf checking if its ratted but here it is

its a very unique crack thats for sure

Any idea why this happens? i put Opal-Patcher.jar to .minecraft, i put opal.jar to mods and i added fabric api bc it asked for it. Oh and lets not forget the JVM arguments. Those are making my game crash. Is there any fix to it?
this shit is 4 months old and you're still trying to use it