cracked opal made by plutosolutions, all credits goes to him for making and uploading the crack. 

this crack has been checked, found no rats/malware whatsoever
if I asked someone good at checking they would probably go more in depth on this but I'm too lazy to do that, basic checking has been done by my friend (there's still chances of this having a ratty rat, even tho Michi ran it and is still fine.)
plutosolutions (cracking and releasing)
michihax (checking for malware)
me (for uploading this on this dead ass website)
this crack has been checked, found no rats/malware whatsoever
if I asked someone good at checking they would probably go more in depth on this but I'm too lazy to do that, basic checking has been done by my friend (there's still chances of this having a ratty rat, even tho Michi ran it and is still fine.)
plutosolutions (cracking and releasing)
michihax (checking for malware)
me (for uploading this on this dead ass website)