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Possibly Infected POLARIS B13 CRACK AND LEAK

Also, didnt know reverb gave out the jar. plus I just created a simple dumper that ran as a windows driver running under system, Ofc i had to turn off driver re-enforcements but that was the easiest part. legit the hardest part was actually opening this skidded piece of shit and change the boolean value from false to true in login man. wich took 10 seconds.

Also mintycodes yt base isnt skidded infact when you download mintycodesyt base it comes without an altmanager, arraylist, or even a hud. The hud and altmanager are skided themselves and so is the tabgui, you auto or giftcodes added multiple skidded utils [Various utils, timer utils, render] over all this is just a mass skid. I mean its fmc tpaura is literally a killaura that doesnt even aim, so u get banned after using it for 20 minutes. not only this but its fmc speed actually flags critical on Area51 anticheat every few minutes of use.
I literally said the base is skidded (including the utils and visuals) only thing I did was add the rpc and something else I cant remember, as well as we know the faithful shit banned we just didn't care.
If I wanted to I could have put my stuff in it but I knew it would have gotten leaked, it was kinda obvious it would have because the jar was being tossed all over the place.
I literally said the base is skidded (including the utils and visuals) only thing I did was add the rpc and something else I cant remember, as well as we know the faithful shit banned we just didn't care.
If I wanted to I could have put my stuff in it but I knew it would have gotten leaked, it was kinda obvious it would have because the jar was being tossed all over the place.
We understand auto, if you can bypass an anticheat it must be terrible. Explains why polaris doesnt bypass faithful [Combat checks].
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For all those who know what I previously leaked

*cough*meme & aphrodite*cough*
(Even though the creator of meme still refuses to comprehend the fact I leaked the 2nd to latest src of his client at the time so he hides behind the statement "he used a date changer")

Today I bring you Polaris b13 dumped straight from AAL, The password on login can now be set to anything you like

No more having to restart GAAL or GayAAL every time you get a new vpn connection

Since this client is already skidded I have added some really weak obfuscation to protect from these kiddos skidding a skid. If you are a form moderator or administrator I can send you the unobf jar so you can analyse it and prove it to be clean in case there are any suspicions
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thanks so much dude!
We understand auto, if you can bypass an anticheat it must be terrible. Explains why polaris doesnt bypass faithful [Combat checks].
this is why trident bypasses faithful and polaris doesnt
It's nice how far my pincracker went lol