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Rate my new menu, codded (pasted from old skeet menu) in ~10 hours

Looks like skeet's gui, but if it has no bugs, it's okay, I guess.
it's fatality.win menu i like it so much and its a reason why i created it, yes, i fixed all bugs, cuz i take my work responsibly.
but only have one bug, its not my bug, its bug a font, in some places under letters some points, i dont know how to fix it, in bigger size of font this bug is not shows
he pasted it from a client that was discontinued in start of 2022 named hedes it looks exactly the same
????? if it looks same its not mean what i skidded it
tell me when u take sources of my client and when u take sources of hedes client???
you can only tell if skidded it or not when see on sources both clients.
he pasted it from a client that was discontinued in start of 2022 named hedes it looks exactly the same
for u i take screenshot of hedes from a random video on youtube.
compare of components (checkbox, sliders, comboboxes) in my gui and in hedes gui
and i dont have a custom mouse in gui

its not even old skeet it is literally just fatalitywin