This is the launcher:
nah its the real moon launcherThis launcher.exe you download is a malware/trojan if you want the proof then check here Launcher.exe file check
kys tankie, acting like you have knowledge about something when all you can is drag & drop a fileThis launcher.exe you download is a malware/trojan if you want the proof then check here Launcher.exe file check
you know that the launcher isnt even 20% of the "protection"?This is the launcher:
I would not just drag and drop it only if I were home at my PC when I did itkys tankie, acting like you have knowledge about something when all you can is drag & drop a file
Eguys help me finish this word
UwU its the real moon launcherdont use everyone this loader have a coinminer virus and themida
coin miner?!?!?!? omg no waydont use everyone this loader have a coinminer virus and themida
Lmaocoin miner?!?!?!? omg no way
U are so stupidreal moon Crack 2025!!1!1
truustMOON CRACK 2010 WHEN?
In God We Trusttruust