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[Request] Shader-ESP

edit: you have to do so much for cyberbricks one
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Versuchs mal mit diesem Tutorial vom lieben Herrn CyberBrick: ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

Alles gut erklärt, hoffe das hilft dir weiter! (Weiß ned ob der HideTag richtig platziert ist aber whayyy)

EDIT: Is vieleicht unverschämt aber, würde mich über jeden Like freuen! :3

ist da etwa jemand like geil :p
Its normal, that shaderesp is lagging, if u have a bad pc

It doesn't depend on the PC, it just depends on the GPU since shaders are only processed by the graphics card. Also, cyber bricks method doesn't do much number crushing and it doesn't use gaussian blur so it's usually not that FPS intense.
It doesn't depend on the PC, it just depends on the GPU since shaders are only processed by the graphics card. Also, cyber bricks method doesn't do much number crushing and it doesn't use gaussian blur so it's usually not that FPS intense.
It depends on GPU and resolution ^^