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Possibly Infected Vape v4.10 cracked clean

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Moderator notice:
Even if marked at clean lots of vape leaks are infected and we have not fully analyzed this leak. Please be careful with it and analyze it before use. We, the staff, will most likely take a look at it ourselves soon.
I tried everything and it still only crashes
I fixed it. I had to terminate some shit process that was listening to the port
YO WTF actually works +rep
(based on launching nothing suspicious is happening use at ur own risk)
Hi everyone here is a vape latest crack

you need only python and java17
its a vape.jar because this is a vape dump
the loader code is unobfuscated so if you dont trust it read the code
only injects into lunar for now since we only implemented lunar mappings
Warning! Some of the people that have ran the crack had their accounts logged into. Some got banned on Hypixel and Minemen for cheating or suspicious activities. Be careful and if you had an experience like this, please reply to the thread I created.


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Im opening the vape.bat. It opens and theres Cracked by Geno Team Vape Cracked Private and after that theres
"Thread-0" java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:555)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Net.java:544)
at java.base/sun.nio.ch.NioSocketImpl.bind(NioSocketImpl.java:643)
at java.base/java.net.ServerSocket.bind(ServerSocket.java:388)
at java.base/java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:274)
at java.base/java.net.ServerSocket.<init>(ServerSocket.java:167)
at dev.mappings.vape.SocketServer.accept$lambda$1(SocketServer.kt:28)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:833)
And it closes
Address already in use means u already have something running on that port
As the original cracker of Vape (v4.06-v4.10), I would like to say I have not made any changes to the DLL or JAR.
The crack simply loads the client as if it was the real launcher.

Any claims of this crack suspiciously "banning" people has nothing to do with the crack, rather the use of Vape itself.
I am not responsible for your cheating nor am I responsible for any potential malice Manthe may have hidden within the virtualized sections of the DLL.

(he started virtualizing the natives after I released the v4.06 crack to make it harder for me to port it to forge, and, coincidentally made drastic changes to the UI framework; with heavy dependency on the Windows window message callbacks which makes it harder to port to linux/macos, which honestly wasn't my intent anyways).
Hello I was the vape crack btw
Please stop trying to impersonate me, you are not special and have no clue what an RPC socket connection even is, let alone how vape works besides from "it just works". Once you gain the skillset necessary to even start cracking software I may consider you competent enough to the point where I just simply don't care if you try and use my shit for your own personal gain.
Warning! Some of the people that have ran the crack had their accounts logged into. Some got banned on Hypixel and Minemen for cheating or suspicious activities. Be careful and if you had an experience like this, please reply to the thread I created.
Fucking rat
Please stop trying to impersonate me, you are not special and have no clue what an RPC socket connection even is, let alone how vape works besides from "it just works". Once you gain the skillset necessary to even start cracking software I may consider you competent enough to the point where I just simply don't care if you try and use my shit for your own personal gain.
How did you crack Vape? Just interested
Warning! Some of the people that have ran the crack had their accounts logged into. Some got banned on Hypixel and Minemen for cheating or suspicious activities. Be careful and if you had an experience like this, please reply to the thread I created.
When crack trying to get the public configs - my lunar client crashing! Any help?
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