.gg/pVEWkuTrE3Someone update this shit now, aim assist isnt working its broken asf
I don't want rat shit.gg/pVEWkuTrE3
how do you compile it?Credits: Thanks for Auxy to giving src, Thanks to IchHockInMeinemBunker for removing auth, Aura fixed by me help of Liticnae, Thanks for hxHshsx for making splash and cape
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/oqa9uyqi32eo0c1/Rise%282%29.rar/file
Thanks to mods to checking the build <3
targetstrafe and nametags not working
I'll going to fix targetstrafe and nametags later maybe
photos: https://prnt.sc/9i6vXHjqpBxk